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I sleep, I wakeup, I eat, I work, but I also write which is what makes this blog worthwhile

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

First visit to McKinney, TX

I will be visiting McKinney, TX for the firstime on the weekend after the memorial day weekend. My flight ticket and hotel stay has been confirmed. My company is paying for everyones trip since this is part of the company's strategy in convincing some of its employees in making a decision to move to Texas. I hope that it will be a lot of fun. I will get a chance to meet Dinakar, the dawg. It's been a while since I have met my buddy, he is a really really funny guy. I look forward to this new experience. More importantly I will not be burning my ass off sitting at my home in Palm Springs on the weekend. FYI, the temperature here, last weekend was a record 117 farenheit...anybody out in michigan, wanna chill out here...are the most welcome

Monday, May 23, 2005

God Of War on PS2

Hello Guys,
I am back again and this time I want to share my thoughts regarding a new avocation that I have found. People like vishnu, pali, prasad, or bipin who know me for quiet sometime might guess it pretty easily. And if you guessed it right, it is the play station. I have always been fascinated by video games right from my childhood. Sometimes I used to steal some money from my brother's coin collection, just for a 5 minute gameplay. But now since I am making good enough money, I can afford to buy one for myself.
Anyways, a couple of months ago I had the privilege of playing the best game ever on a PS2, The God Of War. This is a mind-blowing, gruel-some, action-packed, high-quality, hi-definition video game. I had this fantasy for greek mythology since my childhood, when I read a few books on greek literature ( from my dad's collection. My dad did his masters in literature).This game is like a comic-book action come alive. Any game lovers out there, reading this article, must play this game. For a few video clips and screenshots visit the official God Of War site at

God Of War

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