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I sleep, I wakeup, I eat, I work, but I also write which is what makes this blog worthwhile

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial day weekend went on pretty good, with some gambling and hitch hiking. It was far better than some of my previous weekends, wherein I was sitting at home and killing my time. Friday night went on pretty ordinarily. I bought my new playstation but could not get it running, because of some old telivison that accepts only antenna input. Saturday morning we had a couple of my roomie's friends comein to stay with us for the weekend. We cooked some nice desi lunch and went out to the Morongo valley casiono. You know what must have happened. I was more of a greedy devil, than a content angel. We slept pretty late in the night(as is the case whenever you are hooked up to the PS2), but woke up early on Sunday morning. We took off for the aerial tram in Palm Springs, at around 9:30 AM in the morning. We reached there by 10:00 AM. The ride, up to the San Jacinto mountains(at about 12500 ft elevation ) was pretty exciting. The view of the desert from the top of the moutains was awesome. We started our hitch hiking trip going towards some of the natural rock formations. This place was nice and cool. We next headed up to the snow mountains on the northwestern side. The climb was moderately tiring, but we could not tread very deep due to lack of enough snow gear. We hope to do this next time. Also we were missing on some camping items, which would have helped us. We were back home by 4 PM. We had some nice thai food, and snored off to some wonderful afternoon sleep. All in all, it was a memorable weekend. I wish that there are many more to come.

My Precious!!!

The title to this post might sound like the words from the Lord of the Rings, where the gollum refres to the ultimate ring of power, but I am serious when I call my new PS2 as precious. Yes guys, I finally get to buy my favorite gaming console, the PS2. The new console is almost 1/4th the size of the consoles I have played on. It is mean, sleek and truly PRECIOUS. And no doubt, I started off with the game God of War. I didnot get enough time to play over the memorial day weekend, as I was busy taking around a few friends. But this is just the start, I will soon get value out of my precious!!!

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