Shadow of the colossus to be out on October 18, 2005
Shadow of the colossus, the boss fight game, is to be out on Oct 18th, 2005. I had an eye on this game right from the E3 Games Demo that happened sometime in the 2nd quarter of this year. As time is progressing into the 4th quarter of the year, it has developed into an excellent environment oriented game. The game comes from the same creators of the industry acclaimed, ICO(Check out an earlier post for a review on ICO). The game is about the journey of a young man into an ancient land that bears giant behemoths called as Colossi, which hold within them, the power to awake a dead human. The young man is out to save his beloved wife/girlfriend(I do not have enough background info about this). The environment and lighting used in the game bears a close resemblance to it's predecessor, ICO. The game involves killing 16 giant colossi to accomplish the task of waking up the girl, and at your disposal are very things, namely Argo the horse, a bow and a sword that can show you the way to reach a colossi and also it's weaknesses. Killing a colossi is pretty simple, unearth the colossi, find it's weakness, and pierce the tattoo with your sword. It might seem easy, but to pierce the tattoes you have to climb the giant, which takes about 15-20 minutes as per the game's developers. All in all it seems to be a wonderful prospect to play the game, and I wish that the wait will be worth it. Will the game have a dramatic climax, is something to wait and watch. Keep your eyes on this product from Sony.

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