Prince Of Persia : The Two Thrones

Prince Of Persia is a very popular video game that most of us might have played during our childhood days. The earliest game in the franchise came from Jordan Mechner in 1989 as a 2-D PC game. You play as the Prince to save the princess from the wicked Vazier, and you have an hour's time to do so. There were other modern 3-D versions of the game, but none of them has done as well as UbiSoft's Prince Of Persia triology. The first game, Prince of persia:sands of time and the second game, Prince of persia:warrior within have done really well and the third game in the triology Prince of persia:the two thrones is to come out around the Christmas time this year.
Prince Of Persia
The third game puts an end to this triology. The team at UbiSoft has hired a professional script writing company to make the storyline of the game, very interesting. The graphics and environment in the game have been replicated as models of real life buildings in middle eastern cities like Babylon and Egypt. All in all it is turning out to be a really good game and something to look forward to, this Christmas. Hopefully it will keep me busy during my christmas vacation. I will keep an eye on this game and keep you guys updated with the latest news.
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